JAMB Geography Areas of Concentration 2024

JAMB Geography Areas of Concentration 2024

As a geography student preparing for the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board Examination in 2024, determining your areas of concentration is critical to success. With a wide range of topics spanning human, physical and regional geography, selecting focal points for your studies can seem an insurmountable task. However, by analyzing past examinations and considering your personal interests, strengths, and goals, you can identify key areas on which to concentrate your efforts.

JAMB Geography Areas of Concentration 2024

In this article, I provide an overview of the most frequently examined areas of the JAMB geography syllabus based on an analysis of past papers from the last 5 years. For each area, I outline the essential concepts and themes to understand, suggest useful resources for further study, and provide sample questions to help you assess your knowledge. Using this guide, you can develop a strategic study plan, gain valuable insight into the styles and formats of questions to expect, and enter your exam with the confidence that you have thoroughly prepared for the most important elements of the syllabus. With hard work and the right focus, you can maximize your chances of success in the 2025 JAMB geography examination.

Physical Geography

As a core area of concentration in Geography, Physical Geography focuses on the natural environment and physical features of the earth. This includes:

  • Landforms: The origin and development of landforms such as mountains, plateaus, and valleys. Key concepts include erosion, weathering, and tectonic plate movements.
  • Water bodies: The distribution and characteristics of oceans, lakes, rivers, glaciers, and groundwater. Factors influencing their formation and properties are examined.
  • Soils: The formation, composition, and classification of soils. Soil profiles and the factors that determine soil fertility and suitability for agriculture are analyzed.
  • Weather and climate: The elements and controls of weather and climate, including atmospheric pressure, wind, and precipitation. The causes and effects of climate change are an important area of study.
  • Ecosystems: The distribution of plants and animals across the earth, including terrestrial biomes like forests, grasslands and deserts as well as aquatic biomes such as coral reefs and mangroves. Factors influencing the growth and distribution of flora and fauna are explored.

In summary, Physical Geography provides a scientific understanding of the natural environment and how it influences human activity. By comprehending the physical processes and features of the earth, we can work to ensure sustainable use of resources and protect vulnerable ecosystems. Overall, this area of concentration gives students a solid grounding in how our planet operates.

Human Geography

As a sub-discipline of human geography, population geography examines the distribution, density, and mobility of human populations on the earth’s surface. Population geographers analyze trends such as:

  • Population growth and decline. The world’s population has grown exponentially over the past century due to declining death rates and increasing life expectancies. Some regions are experiencing population decline due to low birth rates.
  • Migration and immigration. The movement of people within and between countries and regions has significant effects on population distribution. Migration may be voluntary (for education or employment) or forced (due to conflict or natural disasters).
  • Population density and distribution. The density and spatial distribution of populations depends on factors like climate, terrain, natural resources, and economic opportunity. Urbanization has led to the concentration of people in cities and metropolitan areas.
  • Demographic changes. Changes in characteristics like age, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status shape population trends. An aging population, for example, will have different needs and impacts than a young population.
  • Carrying capacity. The maximum population size that can be sustained in a given area based on the availability of resources like food, water, and shelter. Exceeding the carrying capacity can lead to overpopulation and environmental degradation.

In summary, population geography provides insights into the diverse factors that influence human settlement patterns and mobility. By understanding these dynamics, we can work to ensure sustainable population growth and equitable access to resources for all.

Regional Geography

As a geographer, one of my areas of concentration is regional geography. This field focuses on the spatial patterns and processes that shape distinct regions around the world. Some of the key concepts in regional geography include:

Physical Environment

The physical environment encompasses the natural landscape and climate of a region. Factors like landforms, water bodies, vegetation, and weather patterns help define the character of a region and influence human activity. For example, the Himalayan Mountains and monsoon climate strongly impact life in South Asia.

Human Activity

How people interact with and shape the physical environment is also crucial to understanding a region. Land use, settlement patterns, transportation networks, and economic activity are all shaped by human decisions and culture. In East Asia, rice farming and fishing have been historically important economic activities, supported by the region’s rivers, lakes, and suitable climate.

Cultural Attributes

Regional geographers examine how cultural attributes like language, religion, and customs contribute to a region’s cohesiveness and distinctiveness. Shared cultural traits bind people together and shape daily life in a region. In the Middle East and North Africa, Arabic is the dominant language, and Islam is the major religion—cultural factors that unite and define the region.


While regions are distinct, they are also connected to each other in many ways. Migration, trade, political alliances, and the spread of cultural influences across regions demonstrate how interconnected the world is. For example, the spice trade has linked Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Europe for centuries.

As a regional geographer, analyzing all these factors—physical environment, human activity, cultural attributes, and connections—provides insight into what makes each region of the world unique. My role is to understand these complex interactions and share that knowledge with others.

Geography of Natural Resources

As a geographer, one of my areas of concentration is the geography of natural resources. This field examines the spatial distribution of natural resources around the world and how they are formed, extracted, and utilized to meet human needs.

Mineral Resources

Mineral resources like coal, oil, and natural gas are non-renewable sources of energy that power our societies. They are formed over millions of years through natural processes in the Earth. Despite their finite nature, the locations and quantities of mineral resources are constantly changing as new discoveries are made and existing reserves are depleted through extraction. It is crucial that we develop sustainable practices for utilizing these resources to ensure future energy security.

Water Resources

Fresh water is one of our most precious natural resources, and as the world’s population grows, the demand for water increases. Geographers study the distribution and scarcity of freshwater resources, including groundwater aquifers, rivers, lakes, and glaciers. We analyze how water resources are impacted by factors such as climate change, pollution, and overuse, and explore solutions for equitable and sustainable water management.

Agricultural Resources

Arable land and suitable climate conditions are necessary to grow food and support agricultural production. Geographers examine the locations of agricultural resources around the world, including fertile soils, adequate fresh water, and ideal climates for crop growth. We also study how agricultural resources may be impacted by urban expansion, deforestation, erosion, and other factors. Developing sustainable agricultural practices and distribution systems to feed the world’s growing population is an important area of focus.

In summary, geographers in the natural resources field analyze how the spatial distribution and utilization of resources like minerals, fresh water, and agricultural land are essential to meeting basic human needs. We explore how these vital resources can be managed sustainably despite environmental changes and increasing demand. Our work is crucial to ensuring resource security for both current and future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About JAMB Geography Areas of Concentration 2024

As a geography student preparing for the JAMB exam, you likely have some questions about the areas of concentration. Here are some of the frequently asked questions I have come across:

What are the areas of concentration in JAMB Geography?

The JAMB geography exam focuses on three major areas of concentration:

  1. Physical Geography – This includes topics such as geomorphology, hydrology, meteorology, climatology, and biogeography. Questions will test your knowledge of landforms, water bodies, weather and climate, ecosystems, and biodiversity.
  2. Human Geography – This covers population geography, economic geography, social geography, and settlement geography. You will need to understand concepts such as population growth and distribution, economic activities, social groups, cultural traits, and settlement patterns.
  3. Regional Geography – Questions will assess your familiarity with the geographical features, natural resources, and human activities of the major regions of the world, especially Africa. You must know details about physical and human characteristics of each region.

How many questions will be from each area of concentration?

The number of questions from each area of concentration varies from year to year. However, you can expect:

  • Physical Geography: 35-45% of questions
  • Human Geography: 25-35% of questions
  • Regional Geography: 20-30% of questions

What are the key topics I should focus on?

Some of the most important topics to study include:

  • Landforms: Mountains, plateaus, plains, valleys, etc.
  • Climate and weather: Elements, factors influencing weather and climate, tropical rainforest and savanna climate
  • Population: Growth, distribution, migration, and settlement patterns
  • Economic activities: Agriculture, mining, manufacturing, trade, and tourism
  • Culture: Languages, religion, education, technology, and way of life of people

What are the best ways to prepare for the JAMB Geography exam?

The key to excelling in the JAMB Geography exam is:

  1. Study the JAMB syllabus and areas of concentration
  2. Read recommended geography textbooks and take notes
  3. Practice with past questions to understand the exam structure and pattern
  4. Focus on understanding concepts and themes, not just memorizing facts
  5. Get help from geography teachers or a tutor if needed
  6. Form a study group to help each other prepare for the exam
  7. Take care of your health and start preparing early to avoid last minute cramming


In summary, the JAMB Geography Areas of Concentration for 2025 cover a wide range of topics that will prepare students well for university studies in this field. By focusing revision efforts on physical geography, human geography, regional geography, and geosciences, students can build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills. With hard work and persistence, students can master the content and techniques needed to succeed in their geography courses and careers. The key is to start preparation early, focus on understanding concepts and themes, not just memorizing facts. By developing a genuine interest in how our world works, students will find geography fascinating and rewarding. Best of luck to all students preparing for the JAMB exams—stay determined and keep your eyes on the goal ahead!


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Originally posted 2023-05-29 09:35:03.

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