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Jamb Areas of Concentration 2024 for Use of Mathematics

Jamb Areas of Concentration 2024 for Use of Mathematics

As a mathematics educator, I am often asked by students and parents about the areas of concentration on the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) subject combination forms that require mathematics. Mathematics is a versatile subject that provides a strong foundation for various courses of study. For the 2024 UTME, there are several areas of concentration that list mathematics as a required or recommended subject.

Jamb Areas of Concentration 2024 for Use of Mathematics

In this article, I will explore the major areas of concentration in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields that specify mathematics as a prerequisite or preferred subject. I will analyze the specific mathematics topics and concepts that will be most useful for students interested in these areas of study. My goal is to provide helpful guidance to students as they determine their subject combinations and begin preparation for the 2024 UTME. With hard work and the right focus, students can build a solid mathematics foundation to support their future academic and career pursuits.

Number and Number Sense

As a JAMB candidate, having a strong grasp of number sense and numerical reasoning is essential for success in the exam.

  • Number sense refers to a person’s intuitive understanding of numbers and their relationships. It is the ability to quickly understand, approximate, and manipulate numbers mentally. Candidates with good number sense can look at a math problem and have a sense of whether the answer seems reasonable. They are also adept at estimating calculations and spotting errors.

To strengthen your number sense:

  1. Practice mental math regularly. Do simple calculations in your head, like adding up prices while shopping or subtracting numbers of items as you use them.
  2. Estimate before calculating. Try to determine a rough answer before working out the problem on paper or with a calculator. Check how close your estimate was to sharpen your skills.
  3. Look for number patterns. Notice relationships between numbers, like how adding or subtracting 10 affects the digits. Look for sequences and try to determine the next number in the pattern.
  4. Review number properties. Refresh your knowledge of factors, multiples, primes, squares, cubes, and square roots. Understand how they relate to one another.
  5. Solve word problems. Word problems require you to determine which numbers are relevant and what operations to perform. They help build a mathematical intuition.

With regular practice of these techniques, candidates can significantly improve their number sense and numerical reasoning abilities in preparation for JAMB. Strong skills in this area will provide a solid foundation for success across all subject areas.

Algebraic Processes

As a JAMB candidate, a strong grasp of algebraic processes is essential for success in the Use of Mathematics section. Algebraic processes refer to the step-by-step methods used to solve algebraic expressions and equations.

There are several key algebraic processes you must understand:

  1. Simplification of algebraic expressions. This involves combining like terms, removing parentheses, and simplifying exponents. For example, 4(x + 3) – 2x can be simplified to 4x + 12 – 2x = 2x + 12.
  2. Solving linear equations. This means using inverse operations to isolate the variable. For example, to solve 3x + 7 = 19, subtract 7 from both sides: 3x = 12. Then divide both sides by 3: x = 4.
  3. Factoring quadratic expressions. This means writing an expression as a product of binomial factors. For example, x2 + 5x + 6 can be factored as (x + 3)(x + 2). Factoring is useful for solving quadratic equations.
  4. Completing the square. This technique is used to convert a quadratic expression into the form (x + h)2 + k, allowing you to solve quadratic equations. For example, to solve x2 – 6x + 8 = 0, complete the square: x2 – 6x + 8 = (x – 3)2 + 1. Then take the square root: x – 3 = ±1. Add 3 to both sides: x = 4 or x = 2.

In summary, proficiency in simplification, solving linear equations, factoring, and completing the square is essential for success on the JAMB Use of Mathematics section. Consistent practice of these algebraic processes will prepare you to answer questions accurately and efficiently. With hard work and persistence, you can master these skills.

Geometry and Mensuration


As an important branch of mathematics, geometry is concerned with questions of size, shape, and the relative position of figures and with properties of space. Geometry is a prerequisite for many careers, including engineering, architecture, and design.

To prepare for a career involving geometry, I have focused my studies on several key areas:

  • Euclidean geometry: The study of lines, planes, angles, surfaces, and solids. I have practiced solving problems involving triangles, circles, and other two-dimensional shapes. I can apply theorems like the Pythagorean theorem to calculate side lengths and angles.
  • Transformational geometry: The study of manipulations of geometric figures like translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations. I understand how geometric figures change under each transformation and can identify the sequence of transformations between two congruent figures.
  • Measurement: The process of determining the size of shapes, areas, volumes, angles, and distances. I have learned techniques for measuring curves, irregular shapes, and solids. I can convert between different units of measurement and determine precision and accuracy.
  • Trigonometry: The study of triangles, with a focus on right triangles. I have memorized trigonometric ratios like sine, cosine, and tangent and can apply them to solve for unknown sides and angles in right triangles. I understand how to use trigonometry in real-world applications like surveying, navigation, and engineering.

By building a strong foundation in geometry and continually practicing problem-solving, I aim to develop the skills and logical thinking required for many STEM careers. Geometry provides a timeless set of tools for understanding and interacting with the world around us. Overall, my goal is to pursue geometry at an advanced level to open up more opportunities in the future.

Statistics and Probability

As a JAMB candidate interested in studying Mathematics, Statistics and Probability are two areas of concentration you should consider.


Statistics involves the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data. Studying statistics will equip you with skills to analyze real-world problems and provide data-driven solutions. Some of the courses you may take include:

  • Descriptive Statistics: Summarizing and presenting data through tables, graphs and numerical measures.
  • Inferential Statistics: Making predictions and drawing conclusions about populations based on samples. Techniques like hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, correlation and regression analysis are covered.


Probability is the study of chance and uncertainty. It deals with predicting the likelihood of future events and outcomes. Some key concepts you will learn include:

  • Probability models: Discrete and continuous probability distributions used to represent the probabilities of all possible outcomes in an experiment.
  • Conditional probability: The probability of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred.
  • Bayes’ theorem: A formula used to calculate conditional probabilities.
  • Expected value: A measure of the central tendency of possible values in a probability distribution.

Proficiency in statistics and probability will provide a solid foundation for a career as a data scientist, statistician, quantitative analyst or in many other STEM fields. These skills are also useful across various disciplines like business, economics, psychology, and the health sciences.

With hard work and persistence, you can build a successful career leveraging your knowledge in these areas of mathematics. I wish you the very best in your JAMB examinations and in your future endeavors.

Jamb Areas of Concentration 2024 for Use of Mathematics FAQ

As a Jamb candidate interested in studying a mathematics-related course, there are several areas of concentration you should consider based on your interests and strengths.

Pure Mathematics

Pure mathematics involves studying mathematical concepts and theories for their own sake, without necessarily applying them to the real world. Areas of study include:

  • Number theory – the study of integers and their properties.
  • Geometry – the study of shapes, spaces, and solids.
  • Calculus – focused on rates of change and the accumulation of quantities.
  • Algebra – the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating them.

Applied Mathematics

Applied mathematics uses mathematical methods and techniques to solve practical problems in fields like:

  • Engineering – applying mathematical principles to design, develop, build, and test technological solutions.
  • Computer Science – using mathematical logic and algorithms to develop software and solve computational problems.
  • Physics – employing mathematical models and calculations to understand natural phenomena and the physical universe.
  • Economics – analyzing data and building models to understand economic systems and predict market trends.


Statistics focuses on collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data. Areas of study include:

  • Probability theory – calculating the likelihood of events and outcomes.
  • Regression analysis – determining the relationship between variables and using it to forecast future trends.
  • Survey methodology – designing and conducting surveys to gain insights into public opinions and behaviors.
  • Data visualization – using charts, graphs, and other visual representations to explore and communicate data.

In summary, Jamb offers a range of mathematics-based areas of concentration to suit your interests and career goals. Think about where your strengths and passions lie to choose a field of study that will motivate and fulfill you. The possibilities are endless!


In summary, mathematics is a crucial subject that provides a foundation for many areas of study and careers. For students preparing for JAMB in 2024, focusing on mathematics and related subjects can open up many opportunities. By developing a strong understanding of mathematics through practice and persistence, students will build knowledge and skills that translate across fields. Mathematics teaches logical reasoning, critical thinking, and problem-solving – all abilities that are useful for life. While the areas of concentration suggested here are not exhaustive, they represent fields where mathematics abilities are especially relevant. By choosing a field that aligns with their interests and strengths in mathematics, students can pursue an engaging and rewarding course of study. With hard work and the right mindset, students can achieve their goals and use mathematics to make meaningful contributions to society. jamb expo,jamb runs,jamb 2024 expo, 2024 jamb expo ,2024 jamb runs, jamb 2024 questions and questions and answers, best jamb expo site

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Originally posted 2023-05-26 04:33:12.

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