JAMB Areas of Concentration 2025 for Literature in English

JAMB Areas of Concentration 2025 for Literature in English


As a Literature in English student preparing for the 2025 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), determining your areas of concentration is critical to success. The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) will focus on specific themes and topics from the recommended texts in the examination. Understanding these focus areas will guide your studying and help you anticipate the types of questions to expect.

In this article, I will outline the major areas of concentration derived from an analysis of past UTME papers from 2010 to 2023. Focusing your preparation on these topics will optimize your time and give you the best chance of gaining admission to your school of choice. With hard work and the right strategy, you can master the material, strengthen your knowledge and skills, build your confidence, and achieve your goal of passing the UTME.

JAMB Areas of Concentration 2025 for Literature in English


As a literature student preparing for the JAMB exam, a strong grasp of poetry analysis and interpretation is essential. Focusing your studies on the following areas of concentration will help build your knowledge and confidence in this genre:

Poetic Devices and Figurative Language. Analyze how poets use tools like metaphor, simile, allusion, imagery, rhyme, rhythm, and meter to create meaning and effect. Understand how the poet’s choices impact the overall tone, theme, and experience of reading the poem.

Themes and Ideas. Consider the central themes, concepts or ideas the poet is exploring. How do the poem’s images, symbols, and metaphors tie into these themes? How does the poet convey their perspective or make a statement on issues that shape human experience?

Form and Structure. Examine how the poem’s form, layout, and structural elements like line length, stanza breaks, punctuation, and rhyme scheme work together to enhance the meaning and impact. Determine how changes to these elements would alter the effect.

Context and Influences. Research the historical context surrounding the poem’s creation and how it may have influenced the poet’s writing. Look at what other literary works or life events may have shaped their style, subject matter, and voice. Understanding context provides deeper insight into the poem’s meaning and significance.

By focusing your study on these key areas of concentration, you will build a strong foundation in poetry analysis, interpretation, and application – essential skills for success on the JAMB exam. With diligent preparation, you can master the material and walk into the exam with confidence in your abilities.


As a JAMB candidate preparing for the Literature in English exam, a solid understanding of drama is essential. Drama, or plays, make up a significant portion of the syllabus and exam.

Drama originated from religious rituals and ceremonies, evolving into an early form of entertainment and storytelling. Plays aim to bring stories to life on stage through dialog and the interactions of complex, multidimensional characters.

Some characteristics of drama include:

  1. Dialog: Conversation between characters moves the story along. Dialog reveals details about characters and their relationships.
  2. Stage directions: Instructions in the text indicate how lines should be delivered and actions characters should perform. Following stage directions is key to understanding and interpreting the play.
  3. Acts and scenes: Plays are divided into acts and scenes to represent changes in time and setting. New acts and scenes signal progression in the story.
  4. Characterization: The playwright uses dialog, actions, and interactions to develop complex, believable characters. Analyzing how characters are portrayed and developed is central to studying drama.

In preparation for the exam, candidates should aim to read and analyze a wide range of plays from different periods to gain exposure to different styles, themes, and playwrights. Focusing on comprehension, character analysis, themes, and the playwright’s purpose will provide a solid foundation for success on the drama sections of the JAMB Literature in English exam. With diligent preparation and practice, drama can become one of the most rewarding and engaging areas of study.


As an English Literature student preparing for the JAMB exam, a strong grasp of prose fiction is essential. Prose refers to any written work that is not poetry. For the exam, you will need to study three major areas of prose: the novel, the novella, and the short story.

The Novel

The novel is the longest form of prose fiction, typically over 50,000 words. Novels allow for complex plots and subplots, extensive character development, and commentary on important themes. Familiarize yourself with influential novels from different time periods, like Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, and Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Study the elements of fiction within each novel, including setting, characters, plot, point of view, and themes.

The Novella

The novella is shorter than a novel but longer than a short story, ranging from about 20,000 to 50,000 words. Novellas also have complex plots and characters but at a more concise length. Important novellas to study include A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, and The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Analyze how these authors develop impactful stories in a shorter form.

The Short Story

The short story is a brief work of prose fiction, typically under 20,000 words. While short, an effective short story still contains compelling characters and themes. Significant short stories include “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry, and “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner. Notice how these authors set up, develop, and resolve a story in a succinct yet meaningful way.

By thoroughly studying examples of novels, novellas, and short stories, you will build a strong foundation in prose fiction for the JAMB exam. Focus on understanding elements of fiction, themes, and the authors’ craft within each form. With diligent preparation, you will enter the exam with the knowledge and skills needed to analyze any prose passage.

Literary Appreciation and Analysis

As a student preparing for the JAMB exam, a strong grasp of literary appreciation and analysis is essential. This section of the exam aims to assess your ability to understand, interpret, and examine literary works.

Close Reading

To analyze a literary text, you must read closely and actively. Pay attention to details like imagery, symbolism, metaphors, syntax, and word choice. Ask questions about how these elements contribute to the meaning and themes of the work. Look for patterns and connections across the text. Close reading may require re-reading passages multiple times to gain a deeper understanding.

Understanding Genre and Context

Consider how the literary work fits into the context of its historical period and genre conventions. How does the work adhere to or subvert the rules of its genre? How might the historical context have influenced the themes and ideas in the text? Understanding the genre and context provides a framework for your analysis.

Identifying Themes

At the heart of any literary work are its themes – the central ideas or messages conveyed through the text. As you read closely, look for topics, concepts, and motifs that recur throughout the work. Analyze how the author develops and explores these themes through the plot, characters, settings, and other elements. Discussing the themes in a literary work shows your ability to think critically about its meaning and purpose.

Character Analysis

Complex, multi-dimensional characters are a hallmark of sophisticated literary fiction. Analyze the characters by examining their words, actions, relationships, motivations, and changes over the course of the narrative. Discuss the significance and implications of the characters’ behaviors and how they tie into the work’s major themes. A compelling character analysis will provide examples and evidence from the text to support your interpretations.

By honing these skills, you will build a strong foundation in literary appreciation and analysis to prepare for the JAMB exam. Consistent practice of close reading, analysis, and critical thinking will serve you well on the road ahead.

Literary Terms in English

As an English Literature student preparing for the JAMB exam, having a strong grasp of literary terms and devices is essential. These tools are used by authors to craft compelling stories and convey meaning. Knowing how to identify and analyze them will help you understand texts on a deeper level.

Metaphor and Simile

Metaphors and similes are comparisons used to create imagery and convey ideas in a poetic fashion. A metaphor implies a comparison by stating something is something else, e.g. “Time is money.” A simile uses “like” or “as” to compare two things, e.g. “Busy as a bee.”

Imagery and Symbolism

Imagery uses vivid language to represent objects, actions, and ideas in a way that appeals to our physical senses. Symbolism is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities. Pay attention to descriptions of colors, sounds, textures, smells, and tastes. Also note any objects, animals, or actions that could have symbolic meaning.


An allusion is a brief, indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance. Allusions are used to compare situations or characters in a text to more familiar references the reader will understand. Common allusions in English literature include references to Greek and Roman mythology, the Bible, and Shakespeare’s plays.

Foreshadowing and Flashback

Foreshadowing and flashbacks are narrative devices used to manipulate time. Foreshadowing hints at events to come, building suspense or revealing clues. Flashbacks interrupt the present to recall past events, giving background information to help readers understand the current situation.

By understanding these and other literary terms, you will be well equipped to analyze the texts you encounter in your studies and on the JAMB exam. Paying close attention to how authors employ these tools will help you gain a deeper appreciation for the richness of English literature.


In summary, students preparing for the 2025 JAMB exam in Literature in English should focus their studies on the areas of concentration and texts outlined here. By developing a strong understanding of these topics and honing critical thinking skills through analysis of the recommended texts, students will build a solid foundation for success. With diligent preparation over the next year, students can feel confident in their ability to handle any question on the exam related to these areas of concentration. The key is to start studying early, focus on comprehension and essay-writing practice, and make the most of all available resources and past questions to become thoroughly familiar with what to expect. By following this guidance, 2025 will be the year you achieve your goal of excelling in the JAMB Literature in English exam. jamb expo,jamb runs,jamb 2025 expo, 2025 jamb expo ,2025 jamb runs, jamb 2025 questions and questions and answers, best jamb expo site


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Originally posted 2023-05-30 16:32:33.

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